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Promoting Dialogues (PD)

  /    /  Promoting Dialogues (PD)


Promoting Dialogues is a culturally- relevant intervention developed to (1) examine the type of racial socialization messages transmitted by parents in African American families, (2) examine strategies employed by parents to communicate racial socialization messages to their middle-school children, and (3) examine barriers to racial socialization conversations between parents and their children.

The Promoting Dialogues curriculum consists of two 60-minute facilitated conversation intervention modules that will focus on either a) racial/ethnic pride messages only or b) racial/ethnic pride and preparation for bias messages. The Promoting Dialogues Intervention was designed with the following aims in mind:

Describe the barriers to racial/ethnic socialization parent-child conversations in Black, Latinx, and Asian families through focus group and quantitative data

Describe current coping with racism strategies and preparation for bias messages that families employ with their middle school aged children

Collaborators and Funders

  • Developed Co-PIs Drs. Gabriela Stein (University of North Carolina at Greensboro), Lisa Kiang (Wake Forest University), and Laura Gonzalez (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
  • The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

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